Eleanor Evans Grove was born on November 6, 1920 in Berwyn, Illinois. She graduated from Morton Junior College, where she had been an honor student and homecoming queen. Her husband claims she is as beautiful and charming as she was during her college reign. Next she enrolled in the Nursing/BS program at Northwestern University. She expanded her horizons by taking science and art courses at the University of California in Berkeley and at Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, CA. For several years she was an art docent at the Oakland Museum.
Eleanor is known to her friends as “Elly.” She married Otto Vasak on the day he graduated from Aviation Cadet School on December 13, 1941. They raised a family of four children and now have ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren to whom they devote a lot of their time and love. Elly and Otto became world travelers through their assignments with the Air Force, with Chevron Chemical, and following retirement.
Elly is a prolific writer and wrote poetry and prose before marriage and after the children left the nest. She continues to write poetry with ease and makes monthly contributions to the “Elysian Fields,” which is published by Paradise Valley Estates, a retirement community where they live.